How Well is Data Protected on iPhones?
How well does Apple protect user data on iOS devices? Serious questions can be raised after revelations that the Pegasus spyware uses iPhone vulnerabilities to spy on nearly every aspect of a target’s life (see our Pegasus report). iOS devices had the image of being secure, and Apple as a company that takes data security seriously.
Data stored on iPhones and on other mobile Apple devices is encrypted, but does that provide adequate protection? Data encryption cannot be regarded as a single solution, but only as part of a complete security system. Particularly, access to the system and key protection are determining factors for the overall security level of the encrypted data.
In this report we look at how seriously Apple takes user data protection and a closer look at data encryption on iOS devices. We see how 1) keys are protected by “Data Protection”, 2) the security layers built into the hardware and silicon, 3) where the keys are hidden, and 4) what the erasure command affects.
Read more in our report (free PDF download):